?????? //數據結構與全局變量定義
? 18?????????
? 19????????? U8 BPB_Data[512]=
? 20????????? {
? 21????????? 0xeb,0x3c,0x90,//?????? Offset_U8_BS_jmpBoot??????????? 0
? 22????????? 'F','r','a','n','k','w','x','j',// Offset_U8_BS_OEMName???????? 3
? 23????????? 0x00,0x02,// Offset_U16_BPB_BytsPerSec? 11????? //Count of bytes per sector. This value may take on only the? //
? 24????????? //512?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //following values: 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096. If maximum?????? //
? 25????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //compatibility is desired, only the value 512 should be used.//
? 26????????? 64,// Offset_U8_BPB_SecPerClus? 13????? //Number of sectors per allocation unit. This value must be a //
? 27????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //power of 2 that is greater than 0. The legal values are 1,? //
? 28????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //????? 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,and 128.??????????????????????????????? //
? 29????????? 0x1,0x00,// Offset_U16_BPB_RsvdSecCnt?? 14????? //Number of reserved sectors in the Reserved region of the??? //
? 30????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //volume starting at the first sector of the volume.For FAT32 //
? 31????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //volumes, this value is typically 32.??????????????????????? //
? 32????????? 0x02,// Offset_U8_BPB_NumFATs?????????? 16????? //The count of FAT data structures on the volume.???????????? //
? 33????????? 0xb0,0x03,// Offset_U16_BPB_RootEntCnt? 17????? //Is only useful for FAT12 and FAT16 volumes.???????????????? //
? 34????????? //????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? //For FAT32 volumes,this field must be set to 0.????????????? //
? 35????????? //通過調整文件項為03b0,從而使數據扇區剛好從Block2Sector0開始,但
(2) 100%
(0) 0%