2023年6月27日,夏季達沃斯論壇在天津梅江會展中心開幕,本屆論壇的主題是:“企業家精神:世界經濟驅動力”。國務院***李強、世界經濟論壇創始人兼執行主席Klaus Schwab出席開幕式并致辭。
當天下午,中國工程院院士,清華大學講席教授、智能產業研究院(AIR)院長張亞勤出席了Generative AI: Friend or Foe(生成式人工智能:友或敵)分論壇并發言。一同出席的還有IBM公司董事長兼總經理陳旭東,斯洛文尼亞數字化轉型部部長Emilija Stojmenova Duh,香港科技大學電子及計算機工程系講席教授馮雁,可之科技創始人王冠,本次分論壇由世界經濟論壇AI、數據和元宇宙業務負責人李琪主持。
大模型是人工智能的操作系統,就像PC時代的Windows和Linux,移動 時代的iOS和Android一樣,它將完全重塑整個生態系統,無論是底層芯片還是應用層面。
隨后張院士著重介紹了清華大學智能產業研究院(AIR)。AIR是一個面向第四次工業革命的一個國際化、智能化、產業化的研究機構。在產業方面,我們希望和產業合作來解決真正的問題、實際的問題。同時,作為清華大學的研究機構,我們肩負著人才培養的職責和使命,目標是培養未來的CTO、未來的架構師。AIR的科研方向包括三個,也是人工智能在未來五年十年具有巨大影響力的三個方向。第一個是機器人和無人駕駛,又稱為智慧交通;第二是智慧物聯,特別是面向雙碳的綠色計算、小模型部署到端等;第三是智慧醫療,包括藥物研發等。以機器人和自動駕駛研究為例,這方面的研究需要海量的數據,盡管我們與百度Apollo合作,同時也有自己的機器人,但收集的真實數據遠遠不夠,所以我們提出了Real2Sim2Real 現實-仿真-現實 (RSR)的概念,用仿真技術來增強數據,模擬駕駛長尾現象,實現真實場景和仿真場景的雙向連接。
分論壇上,其他嘉賓也從不同角度分享了對生成式人工智能的看法和見解。IBM公司董事長兼總經理陳旭東著重介紹了IBM在生成式人工智能方面的技術創新和商業應用,以及公司如何幫助企業實現自身AI的發展和數據安全管理。斯洛文尼亞數字化轉型部部長Emilija Stojmenova Duh闡述了斯洛文尼亞政府在推動數字化轉型和支持生成式人工智能發展方面的政策和舉措,如將AI引入學校教育、提升公務員和公民的數字化能力、開辟與公民溝通的新渠道等。她也指出了AI可能帶來的偏見問題,呼吁消除人工智能帶來的偏見。香港科技大學電子及計算機工程系講席教授馮雁深耕對話型AI領域研究近30年,她驚嘆于如今大模型的智能涌現,同時也呼吁大家關注AI治理,并建議應該探尋如何與機器更好地合作,而非對立。可之科技創始人王冠則重點探討了AI大模型在教育領域的應用,致力于提升優質教育的規?;?,降低甚至消除教育資源獲取的不平等。
Cathy Li: You are a industry veteran, with your experience with Vidua, Microsoft and now you're working atTsinghua University. Can you tell us a bit more about, in particular the generative AI landscape in China?
Ya-Qin Zhang: It's quite interesting; we had a similar panel about 7 years ago at the winter Davos, and now we're here in China. The whole technology has completely transformed the industry, including in China. I'll talk about China a little bit more later, but I'd like to spend one minute summarizing my observations regarding ChatGPT and Stable-diffusion over the last couple of years.
ChatGPT is the first software that actually passed the Turing test. For a computer scientist this has been a major endeavor to develop something that can pass the Turing test.
This leads to AGI. It's not exactly AGI yet but it does provide them a pathway towards artificial general intelligence that is another goal that we've been trying to pursue.
More importantly, for industry, I consider GPT as an operating system for AI. Back in the PC days, we had Windows and Linux. In the mobile days, we had iOS and Android. So, this is the new operating system for the era of AI. It will completely reshape the whole ecosystem, whether it's the semiconductor or the application ecosystem. For example, Professor Wang just talked about education, which is actually a vertical model based on the large operating system. The data he used to train the exams is not the same data used to train the GPT, but it really works out because you can have an operating system that is a large language model, and then you're going to have a number of vertical models for different industries. They will have applications built on top of that. So, the industry world will be very different. All the apps and models will be rewritten and completely restructured.
All these years, China has been doing some terrific work in basic research, algorithms, and industry applications in every sector. And even though ChatGPT was not invented in China, there are almost a hundred companies that have emerged in the last six months or so in the generative AI space. Some of these companies are developing large models, while others are diving into generative AI for vertical models that can generate not only language but also images, videos, robotics, and even in the biological computing space. There are tremendous activities going on in China, and Professor Wang's company is one of them.
Cathy Li: I wanted to go back to you in your new capacity as a professor at Tsinghua University and also the dean of Institute for AI Industry Research. Can you elaborate how your research has integrated and incorporated genital AI and what are some of the significant outcomes so far that you're allowed to share.
Ya-Qin Zhang:I started this lab when I retired from Baidu about 3 years ago. We are obviously doing basic research, but a lot of our work involves applying that research to real-world problems. We use general AI for almost everything we do.
One of our research focuses is on robotics and autonomous driving. Obviously, we need to collect a lot of data. We work with Baidu Apollo, which has hundreds of cars driving around in China, collecting a lot of data. We also have robots that collect data. However, the data we currently have is still very small compared to what we need. So, we use general AI to augment some of this data. Additionally, we use general AI for simulations because there's a dilemma. When you put a car on the street, you want to avoid accidents, but the goal of model training and algorithms is to minimize accidents, which means we don't have enough accident data. This is where stable-diffusion and the techniques we use come in handy. They allow us to generate long-tail cases, which have been extremely helpful. Furthermore, it enables us to establish end-to-end connectivity, from real-world scenarios to simulation and back to real-world scenarios. I call this "RSR," which stands for "real scenario to simulation and simulation back to real scenario."
The second example is in biological computing, which is also one of our major efforts. We have built a GPT called BiomedGPT, similar to the education model, but focused on the biological and medical field. It doesn't have trillion parameters; rather, it has only 1.6B parameters. This model gathers data from various sources, including the protein structure, molecus structure in cells, genetic structure, literature, and patent data. The advantage of this model is that once you have it, you can easily generate downstream tasks, such as predicting and generating protein structures, performing molecular docking, and determining binding structures. We also have individuals working on multi-models, large models, and model-model interactions.
Xudong just mentioned the ability to use a large model to train more models. In the future, when you attempt to accomplish a task, you can utilize a federation of different models, obtained from different companies and sources, including open-source and closed-source, as well as various verticlemodels. Additionally, we have people working on reinforcement learning. Moreover, we are deploying large models onto edge devices such as phones, robots, and IoT devices. However, I must note that this poses significant risks. When connecting the information world to the physical and biological world, there will be a plethora of safety issues and risks.
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