12月12日,海辰儲能在主題為“三體·新世界”首屆海辰儲能生態日上,重磅發布全球首款kAh長時儲能專用電池MIC 1130Ah。這是海辰儲能針對電力儲能往更大規模發展趨勢,專為長時儲能市場打造的千安時級超大容量電池。MIC 1130Ah的體積能量密度達到400Wh/L,提升15%以上,能幫助儲能直流側系統降本25%(相較于280Ah產品)。同時滿足長時儲能所需要的超大容量、超長壽命、超高安全、超低成本的需求。
以主流280Ah電池為例,現有直流側儲能系統的集成效率僅為25%。大量的系統空間和成本被浪費在非儲能部件上。海辰儲能沒有選擇“小修小補”,而是從客戶應用場景著手、正向開發。在基于20尺集裝箱儲能系統下,減少電池串并聯數量和模組數量,海辰儲能通科學探索大容量電池的尺寸設計邊界,在平衡了過流、發熱、容量、制造工藝等諸多要素后,找到現階段長時儲能電池的最優解——MIC 1130Ah。其75580的尺寸定義,可使20尺集裝箱儲能系統中電芯數量大幅減少,模組數量減少至原來的三分之一,系統集成效率提升至35%。
全新設計:MIC 1130Ah讓直流側儲能系統綜合成本下降25%,壽命可達25年
千安時電池容量的大幅提升,讓儲能系統內的電池機械件成本降低58%,電池單Wh成本降低15%;系統模組的數量大幅減少,讓系統中的高/低壓和熱管理連接件,模組BMU,MSD等等零部件用量成倍減少,采用MIC 1130Ah電池的系統非電芯部件降本40%;大容量電池還提升系統制造效率,減少制造設備投資。綜合來看,直流側系統綜合降本可達25%。
通過全極耳疊片技術、SEI膜主動靶向快速修復技術和高電導碳層包覆技術等的加持,海辰儲能MIC 1130Ah電芯在循環性能方面得到了大幅提升,可以在15000次循環后,電池SOH仍大于60%;在每天一充一放的情況下,令儲能系統的服務壽命可長達25年。
超大容量下的大電流是MIC 1130Ah“與生俱來”的特性,需要解決因此而來的產熱問題,才能讓超大電池的“降本增效”發揮的安心無虞。另外,超大電池本身蘊藏著大能量,若在熱失控情況下又如何實現精準快速排氣?
在電池內部,創新性的設計了3x3三維立體氣道和定向開閥結構,快速、精準、定向的排出電池熱失控時產生的氣體。在MIC 1130Ah能量是280Ah四倍的情況下,電芯熱失控內部溫度被控制在700℃以內,和280Ah電池相當。
聚焦儲能 攜手共赴星辰大海
據咨詢機構伍德麥肯茲統計,全球投運及在建的長時儲能項目,價值已超過300億美元。近三年投資的項目若全部建成投運,長時儲能裝機總量預計新增5700萬千瓦,這相當于2022年全球長時儲能總裝機規模的3倍左右。伴隨海辰儲能發布其全球首款kAh長時儲能專用電池之際,未來采用MIC 1130Ah的儲能系統創新將為行業帶來更多想象空間。
On December 12th, at HiTHIUM’s first Eco-Day, HiTHIUM unveiled itsfirst kAh battery cell design for long-duration storage, called “MIC 1130Ah”. The new product will represent new battery technology for the utility-scale energy storage market, breaking the 1kAh barrier for the first time.
In the dynamic global expansion of renewable energy demand, the growth of market demand has led to the urgent need for the rapid development of long-duration energy storage. In ordre to address the main concerns of capacity, efficiency, lifespan and cost, MIC 1130Ah has been introduced as an excellent solution characterized by ultra-high capacity, extended life, superior safety performance and remarkable cost-effectiveness.
Multiple breakthroughs innovations havebeen achieved in MIC 1130Ah product, like reducing the number of battery consumption in series and parallel base on the 20-foot container Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and consequently lower modules quantity to one third than the original amount. At the same time, the system integration efficiency increases to 35%, higher than actual 25% of 280Ah cell. Compared with 280Ah cell, MIC 1130Ah has reached to more than 15% increased energy density, reaching 400Wh/L. With 1 cycle per day, MIC 1130Ah can reach to 25 years lifespan and lower LCOS.
Compared to the 280Ah, MIC 1130Ah stands out even more with its noteworthy cost reductions: a 15% decrease in Cell BoM cost per Wh, a 40% cut in system BoM per Wh, a 20% reduction in manufacturing cost per Wh, and a concurrent 20% decrease in manufacturing CAPEX per Wh. Collectively, these improvements culminate in a 25% reduction in the overall cost of the DC system.
Since heat accumulation during the charge and discharge process and safety stability has always been critical points for the high capacity batteries, HITHIUM has made more efforts and proposed its own innovation solutions. With the improvement of chemistry, structure and process of battery cell, MIC 1130Ah accomplished 67% lower of cell DCR compared with 280Ah cell, and performed low internal rising temperature within 5°C. Innovatively using multi-doping lithium-iron phosphate and low defect graphite is contributed to improve cell’s active safety, which guarantee thermal and structural stabilities. To ensure cell’s passive safety, HiTHIUM proposed its 3*3+1 gas flow path and directional precision vent, which target gas venting precisely during thermal runaway of batteries. And thus, MIC 1130Ah has achieved excellent temperature control of thermal runaway, which is quite similar to the 280Ah (<700°C) even though the capacity of MIC 1130Ah is four times than 280Ah.
During the event, HiTHIUM also announced the world premier of the “First 6MWh BESS integrated withMIC 1130Ah”, providing system support for the development of long-duration utility-scale energy storage application. Wood Mackenzie reports that the value of long-duration energy storage projects globally has surpassed $30 billion. With an anticipated addition of 57 million kWh after the completion of projects in the next three years, three times more than in 2022, the future of BESS based on HiTHIUM's MIC 1130Ah will bring vast development opportunities for the industry in this trend.
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原文標題:超大電池突圍長時儲能:海辰儲能全球首款千安時電池MIC 1130Ah發布
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