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ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

電子工程師 ? 作者:工程師陳翠 ? 2018-06-17 16:54 ? 次閱讀

ADI公司ADM3065E是3.0V-5.5V IEC ESD保護的RS-485收發器,其總線引腳上能經受住±12 kV接觸放電,IEC 61000-4-2≥±12 kV 空氣放電,HBM ≥ ±30 kV,數據速率50Mbps,完全符合Profibus?標準,擴展溫度到125℃ ,半雙工作,可連接多達128個節點到總線,主要用在工業現場總線,過程控制,建筑物自動化,Profibus網絡以及馬達控制伺服驅動和編碼器。本文介紹了ADM3065E主要特性,框圖和應用電路,以及評估板EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ和EVAL-ADM3061EEB1Z主要特性,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖。

The ADM3065E is a 3.0 V to 5.5 V, IEC electrostatic discharge (ESD) protected RS-485 transceiver, allowing the device to withstand ±12 kV contact discharges on the transceiver bus pins without latch-up or damage. The ADM3066E features a VIO logic supply pin allowing a flexible digital interface capable of operating as low as 1.62 V.

The ADM3065E/ADM3066E are suitable for high speed, 50 Mbps, bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus transmission lines.

The ADM3061E/ADM3065E/ADM3066E feature a ? unit load input impedance, which allows up to 128 transceivers on a bus. The ADM3061E models offer all of the same features as the ADM3065E models, but at a low 500 kbps data rate suitable for operation over long cable runs.

The ADM3061E/ADM3065E/ADM3066E are half-duplex RS-485 transceivers, fully compliant to the Profibus? standard with increased 2.1 V bus differential voltage at VCC ≥ 4.5 V.

The RS-485 transceivers are available in a number of space-saving packages, such as a 10-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP, an 8-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm MSOP, a 10-lead, 3 mm×3 mm MSOP,and an 8-lead, narrow body SOIC package. Models with operating temperature ranges of ?40℃ to +125℃ and ?40℃ to +85℃ are available.

Excessive power dissipation caused by bus contention or by output shorting is prevented by a thermal shutdown circuit. If, during fault conditions,a significant temperature increase is detected in the internal driver circuitry, this feature forces the driver output into a high impedance state.

The ADM3061E/ADM3065E/ADM3066E guarantee a logic high receiver output when the receiver inputs are shorted, open, or connected to a terminated transmission line with all drivers disabled.


TIA/EIA RS-485 compliant over full supply range

3.0 V to 5.5 V operating voltage range on VCC

1.62 V to 5.5 V VIO logic supply

ESD protection on the bus pins

IEC 61000-4-2 ≥ ±12 kV contact discharge

IEC 61000-4-2 ≥ ±12 kV air discharge

HBM ≥ ±30 kV

Full hot swap support (glitch free power-up/power-down)

High speed 50 Mbps data rate (ADM3065E/ADM3066E)

Low speed 500 kbps data rate for long cables (ADM3061E)

Full receiver short-circuit, open circuit, and bus idle fail-safe

Extended temperature range up to 125℃

Profibus compliant at VCC ≥ 4.5 V

Half duplex

Allows connection of up to 128 nodes onto the bus

Space-saving package options

10-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP

8-lead and 10-lead MSOP

8-lead, narrow body SOIC package


Industrial fieldbuses

Process control

Building automation

Profibus networks

Motor control servo drives and encoders

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

圖4.ADM3061E/ADM3065E信號電源隔離25Mbps RS-485解決方案簡圖

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

圖5.ADM3061E/ADM3065E信號和電源隔離50Mbps RS-485解決方案簡圖


The EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ and EVAL-ADM3061EEB1Z allow quick and easy evaluation of the ADM3061E 50 Mbps RS-485 transceiver with standard SOIC and MSOP footprints, respectively. The evaluation boards allow the input and output functions to be exercised without external components. Screw terminal blocks provide convenient connections for power and ground, digital input and output, and RS-485 signals. The evaluation boards can be powered by a standard configurable bench power supply within a 3 V to 5 V range.

The EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ evaluation board has a footprint for the ADM3061EBRZ half-duplex RS-485 transceiver in an 8-lead SOIC package. The EVAL-ADM3061EEB1Z evaluation board has a footprint for a full duplex RS-485 transceiver in an 8-lead MSOP package.

Complete specifications for the ADM3061E device are provided in the ADM3061E data sheet and should be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation board.


Easy evaluation of the ADM3061E 50 Mbps RS-485 transceiver Board layouts for standard half-duplex RS-485 footprints

8-lead, SOIC, ADM3061EBRZ (EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ)

8-lead, MSOP, ADM3061EBRMZ (EVAL-ADM3061EEB1Z)

Power/ground connections through screw terminal block

3.0 V to 5.5 V operating voltage range on VCC

IEC ESD protection on the RS-485 A bus pin and B bus pin

±12 kV contact discharge and ±12 kV air discharge

Screw terminal blocks for logic input/output and RS-485 signals

Jumper-selectable enable/disable for RE and DE

Test points for measuring all signals

Resistors and footprints for termination and biasing networks

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案



ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案



ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案


ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

圖11.評估板EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ PCB設計圖:絲印

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

圖12.評估板EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ PCB設計圖:元件面/層1

ADI ADM3065EIEC靜電放電(ESD)保護RS-485收發器解決方案

圖13.評估板EVAL-ADM3061EEBZ PCB設計圖:層2

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  • ADI






  • RS-485






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