IR HiRel不同分立器件具有不同的電壓和電流電平,功率模塊甚至堆棧解決方案。
IR HiRel的IGBT產品選擇提供了多種不同的設備。IR-HiRel產品廣泛應用于汽車、牽引、工業和消費系統。IR-HiRel的解決方案在正向和阻塞狀態下具有非常低的功耗,只需要較低的驅動功率,并且具有較高的效率。IGBT可承受高達6.5 kV的電壓,并在2 kHz至50 kHz的開關頻率下工作。
IR HiRel提供多種IGBT芯片組合。這些IGBT芯片封裝在離散的塑料封裝中,可以作為“單個IGBT”使用,并與續流二極管一起封裝。該設備適用于以下應用:通用變頻器、太陽能逆變器、UPS、感應加熱、主要家用電器、焊接和開關電源。分立IGBT的優點是電流密度高、功耗低,效率高、散熱面積小,從而降低了系統的整體成本。
詳情了解IR HiRel請點擊:
25?out of?25?boards
Board | Family | Description |
MA400E12 | ? | ? |
EVAL-M3-TS6-665PN Buy online |
Gate Driver, IGBT Discrete |
Evaluation Board with half-bridge driver (IRS2890DS), single low-side driver (IRS44273L) and IGBT H5 (IKB20N65EH5). IRS2890DS IKB20N65EH5 IKD06N65ET6 IRS44273L |
EVAL-IGBT-1200V-247 Buy online |
Gate Driver, IGBT Discrete |
Evaluation Board as adaptable double pulse tester for IGBTs in TO-247 4pin package with the 1200 V isolated gate driver 1EDI6012AH 1EDI60I12AH |
EVAL-1EDI60I12AF Buy online |
Gate Driver, IGBT Discrete |
Evaluation board with two single-channel galvanic-isolated gate driver ICs - 1EDI60I12AF and two IGBTs - IKW50N65F5. The major features of the evaluation board are: short circuit protection, current measurement, under voltage lock-out, bootstrap functionality for the high side gate driver, and possibility of separating input and output side. 1EDI60I12AF IKW50N65F5 |
HYBRID KIT1+ | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Main inverter Evaluation Kit including HybridPACK? 1, gate driver board, DC link capacitor, refrence alu cooler and logic board 1ED020I12FA2 FS400R07A1E3 |
EASYKIT DCDC | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Kit for the F4-50R07W1H3_B11A EasyPACK 1B Automotive Power Modules. F4-50R07W1H3_B11A |
HYBRID KIT DSC | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Main inverter evaluation kit for the HybridPACK? DSC S1 1EDI2010AS FF400R07A01E3_S6 |
MA070E17 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter board with booster stage for 62mm modules up to 1700V. |
MA070E12 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter board with booster stage for 62mm modules up to 1200V. |
MA401E17 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter Board with booster stage for IHM IGBT Modules up to 1700V (140mm x 190mm). |
MA400E17 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter board with booster stage for IHM modules up to 1700V (130mm x 140mm). |
MA401E12 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter Board with booster stage for IHM IGBT Modules up to 1200V (140mm x 190mm). |
2ED250E12-F | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Driver Board for PrimePACK? Modules up to 1200V using a coreless transformer single-channel driver (replaced by 1ED020I12-F2). 1ED020I12-F2 |
MA200E12 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Adapter board with booster stage for 1200V EconoDUAL? 3 modules. 2ED300C17-S 2ED300C17-ST |
MA200E17 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter board with booster stage for 1700V EconoDUAL? 3 modules. |
6ED100E12-F2 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Driver board for EconoPACK?+ IGBT modules, using a coreless transformer single-channel driver (replaced by 1ED020I12-F2). 1ED020I12-F2 |
MA300E12 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Adapter board containing a booster stage for driving 1200V PrimePACK? in single or parallel configuration. 2ED300C17-S 2ED300C17-ST |
MA300E17 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules | Evaluation Adapter board containing a booster stage for driving 1700V PrimePACK? in single or parallel configuration. |
2ED100E12-F2 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Driver Board for EconoDUAL?3 Modules using a coreless transformer single-channel driver (replaced by the EiceDRIVER? 1ED020I12-F2) 1ED020I12-F2 |
EVAL-M1-6ED2230-B1 Buy online |
Gate Driver, IGBT Modules |
Evaluation Board for 1200 V Three-Phase SOI Gate Driver with Integrated Bootstrap Diode and OCP and EasyPIM? 1200V Easy1B three-phase module for motor-drive application 6ED2230S12T FP15R12W1T4 |
KIT HYBRIDPACK DSC S2 | Gate Driver, IGBT Modules, Microcontroller |
Main inverter evaluation kit for the HybridPACK? DSC S2 (FF450R08A03P2), gate driver board, DC link capacitor, reference alu cooler and logic board. 1EDI2010AS FF450R08A03P2 |
EVAL-IGBT-650V-TO247-4 Buy online |
IGBT Discrete, Gate Driver | Adaptable double pulse tester for IGBTs in TO-247 4pin package |
HYBRID KIT DRIVE 1200V | IGBT Modules | Traction inverter Evaluation Kit including HybridPACK? Drive 1200V, gate driver board, DC link capacitor, cooler and logic board. |
Main inverter Evaluation Kit including HybridPACK? Drive, gate driver board, DC link capacitor, reference alu cooler, logic board and LEM current sensor HAH3DR 800-S07 1EDI2010AS FS820R08A6P2LB |
Main inverter Evaluation Kit including HybridPACK? Drive, gate driver board, DC link capacitor, reference alu cooler and logic board. FS820R08A6P2B 1EDI2010AS |