TI公司的TPS546D24A是高度集成非隔離DC/DC轉換器,具有高頻工作,輸出電流40A,封裝為7mmx5mm 40引腳QFN封裝.兩個,三個和四個TPS546D24A可以互連,單輸出可提供高達160A輸出.TPS546D24A采用專有的固定頻率電流模式控制,具有輸入正饋和可選擇的內部補償元件,以最小化尺寸和大范圍輸出電容下穩定性.PMBus接口具有1MHz時鐘,支持方便標準化的數字接口,用于轉換器配置和監視主要參數包括輸出電壓,輸出電流和內部芯片溫度.器件分立的軌電壓支持2,95V-16V PVIN;2.9V-18V AVIN,集成了4.5-mΩ/0.9-mΩ MOSFET,2×, 3x, 4×可堆棧共享電流高達160A,每個輸出支持單地址.12個可選開關頻率,從225 kHz 到1.5 MHz.主要用在數據中心交換,機架式服務器,有源天線系統,遙控無線電和基帶單元,自動測試,CT,PET和MRI以及ASIC,SoC,FPGA,DSP核和I/O電壓.中電網為您整理如下互聯網詳細資料本文介紹了TPS546D24A主要特性,功能框圖,平均電流模式控制框圖,單個和兩個器件應用電路,以及兩相降壓轉換器評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH主要特性和指標,電路圖,材料清單,PCB設計圖.以及四相160A同步降壓轉換器參考設計PMP21814框圖,電路圖,材料清單和PCB設計圖.
The TPS546D24A is a highly integrated, non-isolatedDC/DC converter capable of high frequency operationand 40-A current output from a 7-mm × 5-mmpackage. Two, three, and four TPS546D24A devicescan be interconnected to provide up to 160 A on asingle output. The device has an option to overdrivethe internal 5-V LDO with an external 5-V supply viathe VDD5 pin to improve efficiency and reduce powerdissipation of the converter.
The TPS546D24A uses a proprietary fixed-frequencycurrent-mode control with input feedforward andselectable internal compensation components forminimal size and stability over a wide range of outputcapacitances.
The PMBus interface with 1-MHz clock support givesa convenient, standardized digital interface forconverter configuration as well as monitoring of keyparameters including output voltage, output current,and internal die temperature. Response to faultconditions can be set to restart, latch off, or ignore,depending on system requirements. Back-channelcommunication between stacked devices enables allTPS546D24A converters powering a single output railto share a single address to simplify systemsoftware/firmware design. Key parameters includingoutput voltage, switching frequency, soft-start time,and overcurrent fault limits can also be configuredthrough BOM selection without PMBuscommunication to support program free power-up.
? Split rail support: 2.95-V to 16-V PVIN;2.95-V to 18-V AVIN (4-VIN VDD5 for switching)
? Integrated 4.5-mΩ/0.9-mΩ MOSFETs
? Average current mode control with selectableinternal compensation
? 2×, 3x, 4× stackable with current sharing up to160 A, supporting a single address per output
? Selectable 0.6-V to 5.5-V output via pin strap or0.25-V to 6.0-V using PMBus VOUT_COMMAND
? Extensive PMBus command set with telemetry forVOUT, IOUT and internal die temperature
? Differential remote sensing with internal FB dividerfor < 1% VOUT error –40°C to +150°C TJ
? AVS and margining capabilities through PMBus
? MSEL pins pin programming PMBus defaults
? 12 Selectable switching frequencies from 225 kHzto 1.5 MHz (8 pin-strap options)
? Frequency sync in/sync out
? Supports prebiased output
? Supports strongly coupled inductor
? 7 mm × 5 mm × 1.5 mm, 40-pin QFN,Pitch = 0.5 mm
? Create a Custom Design Using the TPS546D24AWith WEBENCH? Power Designer
? Data center switches, rack servers
? Active antenna system, remote radio andbaseband unit
? Automated test equipment, CT, PET, and MRI
? ASIC, SoC, FPGA, DSP core, and I/O voltage
The TPS546D24AEVM-2PH evaluation module (EVM) is a two-phase buck converter with twoTPS546D24A devices. The TPS546D24A device is a stackable synchronous buck with PMBus interfacethat can operate from a nominal 2.95-V to 16-V supply. The device allows programming and monitoringvia the PMBus interface.
Two TPS546D24A devices are configured as two-phase buck converter in factory default, output current isevenly distributed in the two devices; both the negative and positive output terminals are connectedtogether.designed for a nominal 12-V bus and to produce a regulated 0.8-V output at up to 80 A of load current.
The TPS546D24AEVM-2PH is designed to demonstrate stacking operation of the TPS546D24A in a twophase,low-output voltage application while providing a number of test points to evaluate the performanceof the devices. The TPS546D24AEVM-2PH can be modified to single-phase buck converters by changingthe components assembled.
? Regulated 0.8-V output up to 80-ADC steady-state output current
? The output voltage is marginable and trimmable using the PMBus interface
– Programmable UVLO, soft-start, and enable via the PMBus interface
– Programmable overcurrent warning and fault limits and programmable response to faults via thePMBus interface
– Programmable overvoltage and undervoltage warning and fault limits and programmable responseto faults via the PMBus interface
– Programmable turn-on and turn-off delays
? Convenient test points for probing critical waveforms
The TPS546D24A device is designed for the following applications:
? High-density power solutions
? Wireless infrastructure
? Switcher
? Router network
? Server
? Storage
? Smart power systems
圖6.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH電路圖(2)(U1 P1主)
圖8.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH PCB設計圖:左:頂層元件;右:底層元件
圖9.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH PCB設計圖:左:頂層銅;右:內層1
圖10.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH PCB設計圖:左:內層2;右:內層3
圖11.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH PCB設計圖:左:內層4;右:內層5
圖12.評估板TPS546D24AEVM-2PH PCB設計圖:左:內層6;右:內底層
PMP21814 4-phase, 160-ASynchronous Buck Converter ReferenceDesign for Communications Processor Power
This reference design uses four TPS546D24A converters with integrated MOSFETs to support a full load of 160-A at a 0.9-V output. The system operates at a switching frequency of 650 kHz and has a PMBus interface thatcan be used to configure key converter parameters, including internal compensation. The detailed test reportincludes efficiency, thermal, stability, and load transient results.
PMP21814 REV材料清單: