Abstract : Based on the summarizing of the basic principle , main characteristics of fiber laser and several methods
for its classification , this paper introduces the working principle of cladding pumped fiber laser as well as its recent de 2
velopment . Then the generating mechanism of multi2wavelength fiber laser is presented through analyzing several clas 2
sical experimental instruments. The paper discusses three techniques for fiber laser to generate mode 2locking pulse , in2
cluding active mode2locking technique using magnitude or phase modulator , passive mode 2locking technique using non2
linear effect and hybrid locking technique. A comparison between the performances of these three experimental instru 2
ments is made and their recent developments are also included.
Key words : fiber laser ; fiber grating ; clad pumping technology ; active mode2locking ; passive mode2locking ; re2
generative mode2locking ; OTDM; DWDM
for its classification , this paper introduces the working principle of cladding pumped fiber laser as well as its recent de 2
velopment . Then the generating mechanism of multi2wavelength fiber laser is presented through analyzing several clas 2
sical experimental instruments. The paper discusses three techniques for fiber laser to generate mode 2locking pulse , in2
cluding active mode2locking technique using magnitude or phase modulator , passive mode 2locking technique using non2
linear effect and hybrid locking technique. A comparison between the performances of these three experimental instru 2
ments is made and their recent developments are also included.
Key words : fiber laser ; fiber grating ; clad pumping technology ; active mode2locking ; passive mode2locking ; re2
generative mode2locking ; OTDM; DWDM
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