Amr M. Fahim received his B.A.Sc, M.A.Sc, and Ph.D. degrees from the
University of Waterloo in Computer Engineering in 1996 and Electrical
Engineering in 1997, and 2000 respectively.
During his graduate studies, he has had research collaboration twice with
industry. In May - August 1996, he worked with Rockwell Semiconductor
Systems (currently Mindspeed) in Newport Beach, California designing lowpower
PLL-based on-chip clock generators for microprocessors. In June -
December 1999, he worked with Texas Instruments designing low-power RF
fractional-N frequency synthesizers.
Upon completion of his Ph.D. degree in 2000, he joined Qualcomm Inc., San
Diego, CA, where he spent four years driving the development of mixedsignal
IC cores for clocking generator systems for integrated analog/digital
Mobile Station Modem (MSM) chipsets. He is currently with Skyworks
Solutions Inc. in Irvine, CA, working on mixed-signal and radio frequency
integrated circuit (RFIC) designs. His research interests include design and
analysis of low-power integrated frequency synthesis techniques and mixedsignal/
RF system-on-a-chip (SoC) processors. He has authored over 25
papers and has several U.S. and European patents to his credit. He has also
been a reviewer for numerous papers sent for publication including the IEEE
Journal of Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
II, Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, and VLSI Symposium
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