PL2303,Edition USB to Serial Bridge Controller:The PL-2303 operates as a bridge between one USB port and one standard RS232 Serial port. The two large on-chip buffers accommodate data flow from two different buses. The USB bulk-type data is adopted for maximum data transfer. Automatic handshake is supported at the Serial port. With these, a much higher baud rate can be achieved compared to the legacy UART controller.
This device is also compliant with USB power management and remote wakeup scheme. Only minimum power is consumed from the host during Suspend. By integrating all the function in a SSOP-28 package, this chip is suitable for cable embedding. Users just simply hook the cable into PC or hub’s USB port, and then they can connect to any RS-232 devices.
This device is also compliant with USB power management and remote wakeup scheme. Only minimum power is consumed from the host during Suspend. By integrating all the function in a SSOP-28 package, this chip is suitable for cable embedding. Users just simply hook the cable into PC or hub’s USB port, and then they can connect to any RS-232 devices.
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