AIB220 PC/104-Plus Socket Module is an adapter that links the PC/104-Plus bus to PC Card
interface. Elcard’s Socket Module enables PC/104-Plus embedded computers to use a wide
variety of PC Cards. PC/104-Plus bus supports 32-bits of addressing and data. Socket module is compatible with Windows 9x, Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP and with any
type of PC Card. You can plug in e.g. video capture, sound, memory, modem cards and wireless LAN cards.
AIB220 provides two PCMCIA card sockets, compatible with Type I, Type II and Type III cards.The Socket Module card is compatible with PC/104-Plus specification Version 1.2. PC/104
connector is also on the board, but AIB220 does not use this connector. The connector only feeds the signals to the next module in the stack.
interface. Elcard’s Socket Module enables PC/104-Plus embedded computers to use a wide
variety of PC Cards. PC/104-Plus bus supports 32-bits of addressing and data. Socket module is compatible with Windows 9x, Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP and with any
type of PC Card. You can plug in e.g. video capture, sound, memory, modem cards and wireless LAN cards.
AIB220 provides two PCMCIA card sockets, compatible with Type I, Type II and Type III cards.The Socket Module card is compatible with PC/104-Plus specification Version 1.2. PC/104
connector is also on the board, but AIB220 does not use this connector. The connector only feeds the signals to the next module in the stack.
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