
- Abstract:
- The solar panels for portable battery charger is one of the best solutions for the problem of power supply of the communication equipment, measuring instruments and other field mobile electronic products. A collection power charger with self-starting function is designed. This power charger uses TPS5430 buck circuit, MAX1674 step-up circuit and the switching circuit that is control core and is consist of LM393, ICL7660 and other elements. According to the different supply voltage, this charger automatically switched to different DC-DC conversion circuit to achieve efficient and fast charging. Through the TPS5430 buck circuit and the MAX1674 step-up circuit and the LM393 ICL7660 and other components constitute the core of the switching circuit to design a power collecting charger with self-starting function. In order to achieve efficient and fast charging the charger automatically switch to different DC-DC conversion circuit. Testing results showed that when the power resistance is 100Ω, and charging-voltage Es is from 10V to 20V, the battery Ec is 3.6V and Rc is 0.1Ω, and the charging-current Ic is greater than 58mA, automatic start charging-voltage is 3.6V and the battery discharge current is 3mA, when the power resistance is 1Ω and Es is from 1.2V to 3.6V, the maximum charging-current is up to 256mA.
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