The MPC8260 PowerQUICC II is the most advanced integrated communication microprocessor ever designed for the telecommunications and networking markets. By combining a high-speed embedded PowerPC? core along with unparalleled integration of networking and communications peripherals, Motorola provides customers with an innovative, total system solution for building high-end communications systems. The
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II can best be described as the next generation MPC860 PowerQUICC?, providing higher performance in all areas of device operation, including greater flexibility, extended capabilities, and higher integration. Like the MPC860, the MPC8260 integrates two main components, the embedded PowerPC core and the Communications Processor Module (CPM). This dual-processor architecture consumes less
power than traditional architectures because the CPM offloads peripheral tasks from the embedded PowerPC core. The CPM simultaneously supports three fast serial communications controllers (FCCs), two multichannel controllers (MCCs), four serial communications controllers (SCCs), two serial management controllers (SMCs), one serial peripheral interface (SPI) and one I2C interface. The combination of the PowerPC core and the CPM, along with the versatility and performance of the MPC8260, provides customers with enormous
potential in developing networking and communications products while significantly reducing time-to-market development stages.
MPC8260 PowerQUICC II can best be described as the next generation MPC860 PowerQUICC?, providing higher performance in all areas of device operation, including greater flexibility, extended capabilities, and higher integration. Like the MPC860, the MPC8260 integrates two main components, the embedded PowerPC core and the Communications Processor Module (CPM). This dual-processor architecture consumes less
power than traditional architectures because the CPM offloads peripheral tasks from the embedded PowerPC core. The CPM simultaneously supports three fast serial communications controllers (FCCs), two multichannel controllers (MCCs), four serial communications controllers (SCCs), two serial management controllers (SMCs), one serial peripheral interface (SPI) and one I2C interface. The combination of the PowerPC core and the CPM, along with the versatility and performance of the MPC8260, provides customers with enormous
potential in developing networking and communications products while significantly reducing time-to-market development stages.
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