1.在Arduino IDE中安裝庫文件和板卡支持
為 Arduino IDE 添加“WIZnet WizFi360-EVB-PICO”支持
打開 Arduino IDE 并轉到“文件”->“首選項”。
在彈出的對話框中,在“Additional Boards Manager URLs”字段中輸入以下 URL:

通過“Board Manager”搜索“WizFi360”并安裝 Board 支持

“工具->開發板:”***”-> Raspberry Pi RP2040 Boards(2.6.1)”選擇“WIZnet WizFi360-EVB-PICO”。

添加“GFX Library for rduino”,該庫支持圓屏GC9A01。

2. Thermography Carmera和協處理器初始化和數據處理

#include // i2c library (standard Arduino library)
#include // SPI library (standard Arduino library)
const int THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN = 21; //Pin connected to DATA_READY
const int THERMAL_CS_PIN = 17; //Pin Connected to CS
const int THERMAL_nRESET_PIN = 20; //pin Connected to nRESET
const int THERMAL_ADDR_PIN = 3; //The Thermography i2c address
uint16_t THERMAL_Addr = 0x40;
/*i2c address for Thermography (0x40 if Thermography_ADDR_PIN =0 or 0x41 if Thermography_ADDR_PIN = 1 )*/
// Now the addresses for each of the registers within the device
const uint16_t THERMAL_FRAME_MODE = 0xB1; // Frame Mode register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_SW_VERSION = 0xB2; // swVersion register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_BUILD = 0xB3; // swVersion build register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_FRAME_RATE = 0xB4; // Frame Rate register addres
const uint16_t THERMAL_POWER_DOWN = 0xB5; // Power down register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_STATUS_ERROR = 0xB6; // Status Error register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_SENSOR_TYPE = 0xBA; // SenXor type register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_EMISSIVITY = 0xCA; // emissivity register address
const uint16_t THERMAL_FILTER_CONTROL = 0xD0; // filter control (bits 0-2 R_W)
const uint16_t THERMAL_FILTER_SETTINGS_LSB = 0xD1; // filter setting LSB (0x32 default, 0x80 rec)
const uint16_t THERMAL_FILTER_SETTINGS_MSB = 0xD2; // filter setting MSB (0x00 default)
const uint16_t THERMAL_ROLLING_AVG_SETTING = 0xD3; // rolling average setting (0x04 default)
// =========================================================================
// Function to write i2c register
// =========================================================================
void WriteI2c(int RegAddr, unsigned char RegData)
Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Begin transmission to the Sensor
Wire.write (RegAddr); // Set the address for the requested register
Wire.write (RegData); // Write the data for that register
Wire.endTransmission(true); // Release i2c bus - so others can use it (can have multiple slaves & masters connected
// =========================================================================
// Function to read i2c register
// =========================================================================
unsigned char ReadI2c(int RegAddr)
unsigned char Result;
Wire.beginTransmission(Addr); // Begin transmission to the Sensor
Wire.write (RegAddr); // Set the address for the requested register
Wire.endTransmission(); // End tranmission We should have set the address of the register
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1); // Tell slave we need to read 1 byte from the current register
Result = Wire.read(); // read that Serial Number byte (register will auto increment)
Wire.endTransmission(true); // Release i2c bus - so others can use it
return Result;
在“void setup()”中通過I2C BUS獲取和設置參數
THERMAL_FILTER_CONTROL :將此位設置為 1 指示在連續捕獲模式下運行,從而連續從相機模塊獲取數據并更新可通過 SPI 接口訪問的讀出緩沖區。將此位重置為 0 指示停止連續數據采集。這也會將 DATA_READY 引腳和 STATUS 寄存器的相應位 4 重置為 0。
THERMAL_FRAME_RATE :這些位的值確定主機控制器可以通過 SPI 接口從輸出幀緩沖區讀取熱數據幀的速率。該值必須是一個無符號整數,表示所連接相機模塊的最大幀速率 FPS_MAX 的幀速率除數:FPS = FPS_MAX / FRAME_RATE_DIVIDER。例外情況是 FRAME_RATE = 0,這會產生 FPS_MAX = 24FPS。
THERMAL_FRAME_MODE :將此位設置為 1 會消除通過 SPI 接口傳輸的熱數據幀中的標頭。將此位重置為 0 包括熱數據幀中的 HEADER,
Wire.begin(); // Initialise and configure the i2C//
Wire.setClock(400000); // use 400 kHz I2C//
digitalWrite (nRESET_PIN, LOW); // First put the THERMAL in reset - THIS NEEDS TO BE TIMED//
digitalWrite (THERMAL_ADDR_PIN, LOW); // Set the THERMAL i2c addrees LOW = 0x40 HIGH = 0x41//
pinMode(THERMAL_CS_PIN, OUTPUT); // Configure CS pin for THERMAL
digitalWrite (THERMAL_CS_PIN, HIGH);
delay(200); // Wait 0.2 seconds //
digitalWrite (nRESET_PIN, HIGH); // remove reset to the THERMAL - allow it to boot//
delay(1000); // Wait 1 seconds for the THERMAL to boot
SPI.begin(); // Initialise the SPI
// =========================================================================
// Read all the individual i2c registers
// Uses ReadI2c() routine
// =========================================================================
frameMode = ReadI2c(THERMAL_FRAME_MODE);
swVersion = ReadI2c(THERMAL_SW_VERSION);
build = ReadI2c(THERMAL_BUILD);
frameRate = ReadI2c(THERMAL_FRAME_RATE);
powerDown = ReadI2c(THERMAL_POWER_DOWN);
statusError = ReadI2c(THERMAL_STATUS_ERROR);
senxorType = ReadI2c(THERMAL_SENSOR_TYPE);
emissivity = ReadI2c(THERMAL_EMISSIVITY);
// =========================================================================
// Write any registers required beofre starting exitig setup
// and starting Data aquisition
// =========================================================================
delay(100); // currently required after modifying filter values//
WriteI2c(THERMAL_FRAME_RATE, 0x3); // Write the Frame_rate register 0x1 = as fast as possible (24FPS)//
WriteI2c(THERMAL_FRAME_MODE, 0x3); // Write the Frame_mode register 0x3 = capture continuous with header)//
在“void loop()”中通過SPI BUS獲取camera Header和data
SPI 時鐘設置為 40MHz,來自傳感器的數據相對于屏幕翻轉,因此我們必須向后繪制行。
void Get_sensor_data()
dataReady = digitalRead(THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN);
// Read the state on THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN line
if ( digitalRead (THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN) == HIGH) {
// Wait for THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN to assert
Serial.println ("Data ready!!");
//THERMAL_DATA_READY_PIN has been asserted so data is now available on SPI bus
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(40000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0));
digitalWrite (THERMAL_CS_PIN, LOW);
for (int i = 0; i < THERMAL_WIDTH; i++)
header_buffer[i] = SPI.transfer16(0x0);
// write data to the header buffer
for (int j = 0; j < THERMAL_HEIGHT; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < THERMAL_WIDTH; i++)
THERMAL_SpiData = SPI.transfer16(0x0);
// The data from the sensor is flipped with respect to the screen so we have to draw the rows backwards
draw_buffer[((THERMAL_WIDTH - 1) - i) + (j * THERMAL_WIDTH)] = THERMAL_SpiData;
} // (finished a row)
// We have now read the entire frame of data
digitalWrite (THERMAL_CS_PIN, HIGH);
3. 在屏幕上顯示熱數據(GC9A01)。
Arduino_GFX *tft = create_default_Arduino_GFX();
在“libraries\GFX_Library_for_Arduino\src\Arduino_GFX_Library.h”中定義 GC9A01 使用的引腳

#define DF_GFX_SCK 26
#define DF_GFX_MOSI 27
#define DF_GFX_CS 25
#define DF_GFX_DC 23
#define DF_GFX_RST 28
#define DF_GFX_BL 22
在“void setup()”中初始化屏幕并打開屏幕的背光
pinMode(22, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(22, HIGH);
將熱數據的每一個像素點轉化為顏色(RGB565),通過根據minmax中溫度值的相對位置(thermal Header中識別范圍內的溫度差)在colormap中找到對應的顏色信息。
// =========================================================================
// Colour conversion - one pixel at a time
// The draw_buffer starts as 16 bit sensor data
// At the end it is 16 bit RGB (5-6-5)
// =========================================================================
for (int j = 0; j < THERMAL_HEIGHT; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < THERMAL_WIDTH; i++) {
pixelVal = draw_buffer[(i) + (j * THERMAL_WIDTH)];
if (pixelVal <= THERMAL_MinVal) {
lutIndex = 0;
else if (pixelVal >= THERMAL_MaxVal) {
lutIndex = 255;
else {
lutIndex = map (pixelVal, THERMAL_MinVal, THERMAL_MaxVal , 0, 0xff);
for(int m = 0; m<3; m++)
DISPLAY_buffer[(i*3)+m + (j*3) * DISPLAY_WIDTH]= palette[lutIndex];
DISPLAY_buffer[(i*3)+m + ((j*3)+1) * DISPLAY_WIDTH]= palette[lutIndex];
DISPLAY_buffer[(i*3)+m + ((j*3)+2) * DISPLAY_WIDTH]= palette[lutIndex];

4. WizFi360通過WiFi與熱查看器軟件通信。
Thermal Viewer 軟件作為 TCP 客戶端使用端口 5051。
#include "WizFi360.h"
// Wi-Fi info //
char ssid[] = "WIZNET_test"; // your network SSID (name)//
char pass[] = "********"; // your network password//
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; // the Wifi radio's status//
WiFiServer server(5051);

// initialize serial port for WizFi360 module//
在“void setup()”中查看wifi的wizfi360 Link狀態
// check for the presence of the shield//
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
// don't continue//
while (true);
// attempt to connect to WiFi network//
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: ");
// Connect to WPA/WPA2 network//
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
Serial.println("You're connected to the network");
當熱查看器軟件連接到此服務器(WizFi360)時,RP2040 讀取熱數據“Get_sensor_data()”并將數據發布到 TCP 客戶端(熱查看器軟件)。
先傳熱像頭,再傳熱像素數據(80*62 16bits)。
WiFiClient client;
if (client) {
socket_status = client.connected();
socket_status_cnt = 0;
uint8_t i;
while (socket_status&&!buttonState)
case 0:
socket_send_result = client.write((uint8_t*)header_buffer,160);
socket_send_status = 1;
case 1:
if(socket_send_result == 160 ){
socket_sendnum = 9920; //80*62*2//
socket_send_status = 2;
}else if(socket_send_result == 0){
socket_send_status = 4;
case 2:
if(socket_sendnum >=2048)
socket_send_result = client.write((uint8_t*)(draw_buffer+(i*1024)),2048);
socket_send_result = client.write((uint8_t*)(draw_buffer+(i*1024)),socket_sendnum);
socket_send_status = 3;
case 3:
if(socket_sendnum >= 2048)
if(socket_send_result == 2048)
socket_sendnum -= 2048;
socket_send_status = 2;
}else if(socket_send_result == 0){
socket_send_status = 4;
if(socket_send_result == socket_sendnum)
socket_sendnum = 0;
socket_send_status = 4;
case 4:
socket_status_cnt ++;
if(socket_status_cnt == 20)
socket_status = client.connected();
if(socket_status == 0)
socket_status_cnt = 0;
socket_send_status = 0;
Thermal viewer 軟件接收像素數據,它可以顯示和顯示這些像素的最高溫度。


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