??????? 打破部門間的障礙。研究、設計、銷售及生產部門的人員應協力合作猶如一個團隊,以預見產品與服務在生產與使用時可能遭遇的問題。
(Break down barriers between Departments. People in research, Design, sales and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.)??????
釋義:鼓勵研究、設計、銷售及生產部門的人員跨部門合作,不斷提供能滿足顧客要求的 產品,服務顧客。??
??????? 經濟學家將我們導向歧途,他們告訴我們激烈的競爭是解決之道。使我們憂心于增加市場占有率,試圖鏟除同業,卻忽略了要創造更好的產品。
(Economists are leading us down the wrong path. They tell us that fierce competition is the solution. We worry about increasing market share and we try to kill off colleagues in the same industry, instead of making better products.)
? 競爭導致損失,人們凡事采拔河態度處理,徒耗體力而已,他們將一事無成。
Competition leads to lose, people pulling in opposite direction on a rope ,they go nowhere.
? 顧客是生產在線最重要的一部份;沒有他們,就沒有生產線。質量的改進涵蓋整個生產線:從進料、到交貨給顧客,以及為未來產品與服務的再設計。
(The customer is the most important part of the production line. Without him, there is no production line. Improvement of quality envelops the entire production line, from incoming materials to the customer, and redesign of the product and service for the future.)
??????? 除非是以產品質量的角度來衡量,「價格」才具意義。但這樣還不夠,除非能夠與顧客的需求掛鉤,優良與均一的質量才具意義。
??????? (Price has no meaning except in terms of the quality of the product. But that is not enough. Good and uniform quality have no meaning except with reference to the customer’s needs. )
釋義:凡事均應以顧客為重,應從顧客觀點,制造產品與定價。他指出:「界定質量難在將使用者的未來需要轉換為可量測的特性,依此從事產品設計,再產生顧客愿意付的價格」 。
????????? 我發現一般人對教育的恐懼;人們害怕選課,因為可能選得不對,我的忠告是先選它,其后再找出何者是適切的。你不會知道什么可能用得上,或可能會需要什么。一心想著必須務實的人不會做得長久,誰曉得什么叫做務實?協助人們從事改進,我是指「每個人」。
??????? I find a general fear of education. People are afraid to take a course. It might not be the right one. My advice is take it. Find the right one later. . . .You never know what could be used, what could be needed. He that thinks he has to be practical is not going to be here very long. Who knows what is practical? Help people to improve. I mean everybody.
??????? 為每人建立有活力的教育與自我改進方案。
??????? (Institute a vigorous programme of education and self-improvement for everyone.)
??????? 建立在職訓練制度。
??????? (Institute training on the job.)
??????? 我們大多認為,若是我們不評估你,你就不會受到激勵而把工作做得更好;所以我們查問你、衡量你,將你與他人比較并試圖為你排列名次。取而代之的是,我們需要提升自尊,樂在工作并以我們所做的為傲,因此我們應鼓勵人們創新,對工作有所貢獻。如果我們摧折你,你便是被羞辱了,而為你排列名次就是在摧折你。
??????? (Most of us assume that if we don’t evaluate you, you won’t be motivated to work better. So we interview and measure you, compare you to others, and try to place you in a ranking. Instead we need to promote self-esteem, joy in work and pride in what we do, so that we encourage people innovate and contribute to the job. If we destroy you, you are humiliated. Ranking you destroys you. )
??????? 恐懼造成極大的折損。它無處不在,奪去人們的驕傲,傷害他們,剝奪他們對公司奉獻的機會,很難相信當你不放松恐懼時會發生什么事。
??????? (Fear takes a horrible toll. Fear is all around, robbing people of their pride, hurting them, robbing them of a chance to contribute to the company. It is unbelievable what happens when you unloose fear.)
????? 凡有恐懼之處,就會有錯誤數字。
??????? (Where there is fear, there will be wrong figures.)
改進 (Improvement) (1)
??? 執行一項試驗的唯一理由是改進過程,改進質量與下次的運作數量或是次年的收獲。在科學與工業方面的重要問題是「如何」以及「在何種條件下」,觀測值會對是否改變過程以達成改進所做的理性決策有所貢獻。因此,觀測記錄必須包含任何人可能需要用來做預測的所有信息。
??????? (The only reason to carry out a test is to improve a process, to improve the quality and quantity of the next run or of next year’s crop. Important questions in science and industry are how and under what conditions observations may contribute to a rational decision to change or not to change a process to accomplish improvement. A record of observations must accordingly contain all the information that anyone might need in order to make his own prediction.)
改進 (Improvement) (2)
??? 一個健康的,運作良好的公司是處于最佳地位改進它的管理、產品與服務,如此可以對他自己的經濟福祉以及我們其它人有所貢獻,況且它也是最有義務要改進者。事實上,一個獨占事業最有可能年年從事不斷改進,而且它也肩擔追求改進的最大義務;一個艱困的公司只能想著如何存活。
??????? (A company that is healthy, doing well, is in excellent position to improve management, product, and service, thus to contribute to the economic welfare of itself and to the rest of us, and moreover has the greatest obligation to improve. A monopoly is in fact in the best possible position to improve year by year, and has the greatest obligation to do so. A company that is on the rocks can only think of survival.)
釋義:改進時機最好在企業處于最佳情況時為之,不能等到組織經營狀況惡化時才做,那是像救火,智者不取,要在組織體質佳時做,這是防火,智者當為?! ?
改進 (Improvement) (3)
??? 「滅火」并非改進。找出失控點,找出特殊肇因并將之去除,只是將過程帶回它原先所在的位置,并不是過程的改進。
???????? (Putting out fires is not improvement. Finding a point out of control, finding the special cause and removing, is only putting the process back to where it was in the first place. It is not improvement of the process.)
改進 (Improvement) (4)
??? 因為我們所做的是錯的,即使我們盡最大的努力,辛勤工作,我們也正在失去優勢。
??????? (We’re losing ground because what we are doing is wrong, even though we work very hard and give our best effort.)
樂在工作(Joy in work)
??? 我喜愛我的工作,它對我而言是有趣的,但愿美國的管理者能不斷的學習與成長,我愿繼續學習并與他們分享。――戴明在被問及為何每周要花五到七天旅行、教學、顧問以及提供四天的研討會給數以百計熱情的學生們時,所做的回答。
??????? (I love my work. It’s fun for me. I wish American management to keep learning and growing and I wish to keep learning and sharing with them.
??????? When asked why he spends five to seven days per week traveling, teaching, consulting and giving 4-day seminars to hundreds of enthusiastic students, this was Dr. Deming’s reply.)
釋義:戴明天性屬于能樂在工作且以工藝為榮的人,其弟子謝爾肯巴赫(W.W.Scherkenbach)曾說:「 我以為,如果要用一句話來總結戴明的理念,那該是:”透過工藝之樂,達到自主之喜悅”」。何況他更以挽救美國經濟為己任,老而彌堅,故出此語。
??????? 打破部門間的障礙。研究、設計、銷售及生產部門的人員應協力合作猶如一個團隊,以預見產品與服務在生產與使用時可能遭遇的問題。
(Break down barriers between Departments. People in research, Design, sales and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and in use that may be encountered with the product or service.)??????
釋義:鼓勵研究、設計、銷售及生產部門的人員跨部門合作,不斷提供能滿足顧客要求的 產品,服務顧客。??
??????? 經濟學家將我們導向歧途,他們告訴我們激烈的競爭是解決之道。使我們憂心于增加市場占有率,試圖鏟除同業,卻忽略了要創造更好的產品。
(Economists are leading us down the wrong path. They tell us that fierce competition is the solution. We worry about increasing market share and we try to kill off colleagues in the same industry, instead of making better products.)
? 競爭導致損失,人們凡事采拔河態度處理,徒耗體力而已,他們將一事無成。
Competition leads to lose, people pulling in opposite direction on a rope ,they go nowhere.
? 顧客是生產在線最重要的一部份;沒有他們,就沒有生產線。質量的改進涵蓋整個生產線:從進料、到交貨給顧客,以及為未來產品與服務的再設計。
(The customer is the most important part of the production line. Without him, there is no production line. Improvement of quality envelops the entire production line, from incoming materials to the customer, and redesign of the product and service for the future.)
??????? 除非是以產品質量的角度來衡量,「價格」才具意義。但這樣還不夠,除非能夠與顧客的需求掛鉤,優良與均一的質量才具意義。
??????? (Price has no meaning except in terms of the quality of the product. But that is not enough. Good and uniform quality have no meaning except with reference to the customer’s needs. )
釋義:凡事均應以顧客為重,應從顧客觀點,制造產品與定價。他指出:「界定質量難在將使用者的未來需要轉換為可量測的特性,依此從事產品設計,再產生顧客愿意付的價格」 。
????????? 我發現一般人對教育的恐懼;人們害怕選課,因為可能選得不對,我的忠告是先選它,其后再找出何者是適切的。你不會知道什么可能用得上,或可能會需要什么。一心想著必須務實的人不會做得長久,誰曉得什么叫做務實?協助人們從事改進,我是指「每個人」。
??????? I find a general fear of education. People are afraid to take a course. It might not be the right one. My advice is take it. Find the right one later. . . .You never know what could be used, what could be needed. He that thinks he has to be practical is not going to be here very long. Who knows what is practical? Help people to improve. I mean everybody.
??????? 為每人建立有活力的教育與自我改進方案。
??????? (Institute a vigorous programme of education and self-improvement for everyone.)
??????? 建立在職訓練制度。
??????? (Institute training on the job.)
??????? 我們大多認為,若是我們不評估你,你就不會受到激勵而把工作做得更好;所以我們查問你、衡量你,將你與他人比較并試圖為你排列名次。取而代之的是,我們需要提升自尊,樂在工作并以我們所做的為傲,因此我們應鼓勵人們創新,對工作有所貢獻。如果我們摧折你,你便是被羞辱了,而為你排列名次就是在摧折你。
??????? (Most of us assume that if we don’t evaluate you, you won’t be motivated to work better. So we interview and measure you, compare you to others, and try to place you in a ranking. Instead we need to promote self-esteem, joy in work and pride in what we do, so that we encourage people innovate and contribute to the job. If we destroy you, you are humiliated. Ranking you destroys you. )
??????? 恐懼造成極大的折損。它無處不在,奪去人們的驕傲,傷害他們,剝奪他們對公司奉獻的機會,很難相信當你不放松恐懼時會發生什么事。
??????? (Fear takes a horrible toll. Fear is all around, robbing people of their pride, hurting them, robbing them of a chance to contribute to the company. It is unbelievable what happens when you unloose fear.)
????? 凡有恐懼之處,就會有錯誤數字。
??????? (Where there is fear, there will be wrong figures.)
改進 (Improvement) (1)
??? 執行一項試驗的唯一理由是改進過程,改進質量與下次的運作數量或是次年的收獲。在科學與工業方面的重要問題是「如何」以及「在何種條件下」,觀測值會對是否改變過程以達成改進所做的理性決策有所貢獻。因此,觀測記錄必須包含任何人可能需要用來做預測的所有信息。
??????? (The only reason to carry out a test is to improve a process, to improve the quality and quantity of the next run or of next year’s crop. Important questions in science and industry are how and under what conditions observations may contribute to a rational decision to change or not to change a process to accomplish improvement. A record of observations must accordingly contain all the information that anyone might need in order to make his own prediction.)
改進 (Improvement) (2)
??? 一個健康的,運作良好的公司是處于最佳地位改進它的管理、產品與服務,如此可以對他自己的經濟福祉以及我們其它人有所貢獻,況且它也是最有義務要改進者。事實上,一個獨占事業最有可能年年從事不斷改進,而且它也肩擔追求改進的最大義務;一個艱困的公司只能想著如何存活。
??????? (A company that is healthy, doing well, is in excellent position to improve management, product, and service, thus to contribute to the economic welfare of itself and to the rest of us, and moreover has the greatest obligation to improve. A monopoly is in fact in the best possible position to improve year by year, and has the greatest obligation to do so. A company that is on the rocks can only think of survival.)
釋義:改進時機最好在企業處于最佳情況時為之,不能等到組織經營狀況惡化時才做,那是像救火,智者不取,要在組織體質佳時做,這是防火,智者當為?! ?
改進 (Improvement) (3)
??? 「滅火」并非改進。找出失控點,找出特殊肇因并將之去除,只是將過程帶回它原先所在的位置,并不是過程的改進。
???????? (Putting out fires is not improvement. Finding a point out of control, finding the special cause and removing, is only putting the process back to where it was in the first place. It is not improvement of the process.)
改進 (Improvement) (4)
??? 因為我們所做的是錯的,即使我們盡最大的努力,辛勤工作,我們也正在失去優勢。
??????? (We’re losing ground because what we are doing is wrong, even though we work very hard and give our best effort.)
樂在工作(Joy in work)
??? 我喜愛我的工作,它對我而言是有趣的,但愿美國的管理者能不斷的學習與成長,我愿繼續學習并與他們分享。――戴明在被問及為何每周要花五到七天旅行、教學、顧問以及提供四天的研討會給數以百計熱情的學生們時,所做的回答。
??????? (I love my work. It’s fun for me. I wish American management to keep learning and growing and I wish to keep learning and sharing with them.
??????? When asked why he spends five to seven days per week traveling, teaching, consulting and giving 4-day seminars to hundreds of enthusiastic students, this was Dr. Deming’s reply.)
釋義:戴明天性屬于能樂在工作且以工藝為榮的人,其弟子謝爾肯巴赫(W.W.Scherkenbach)曾說:「 我以為,如果要用一句話來總結戴明的理念,那該是:”透過工藝之樂,達到自主之喜悅”」。何況他更以挽救美國經濟為己任,老而彌堅,故出此語。
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