低速位置伺服系統中的非線性摩擦力、參數攝動以及外部擾動等因素都會降低系統的精度. 本文對無刷直流電機低速位置伺服控制方法進行了研究. 簡要介紹了自抗擾控制器,利用Stribeck摩擦模型和二階自抗擾控制器構建位置伺服系統并確定控制器參數,最后與PD控制和滑模控制進行比較仿真實驗. 實驗結果表明,基于自抗擾控制的低速位置伺服系統具有較好的動態和穩態性能,對系統內部參數攝動和外部擾動以及非線性摩擦都具有很強的魯棒性.
?關鍵詞: 自抗擾控制;位置伺服;Stribeck摩擦模型???
?Control and simulation of position servo system?with low speed based on ADRC
The phenomenon of nonlinear friction, disturbance and perturbation of the system, will have bad influence on precision.The control method forthe positionservo system with low speed was studied. First the ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) was introduced. The control system was developed based on the Stribeckfriction model and ADRC, and the means for adjusting the parameters of the controller were given in succession. Some simulation results were given compared with the PDcontrol and Sliding model control. These results show that the controller ensures good dynamic and static characteristics, and very good robustness under inner perturbation and external disturbance with nonlinear friction considered
?關鍵詞: 自抗擾控制;位置伺服;Stribeck摩擦模型???
?Control and simulation of position servo system?with low speed based on ADRC
The phenomenon of nonlinear friction, disturbance and perturbation of the system, will have bad influence on precision.The control method forthe positionservo system with low speed was studied. First the ADRC (active disturbance rejection control) was introduced. The control system was developed based on the Stribeckfriction model and ADRC, and the means for adjusting the parameters of the controller were given in succession. Some simulation results were given compared with the PDcontrol and Sliding model control. These results show that the controller ensures good dynamic and static characteristics, and very good robustness under inner perturbation and external disturbance with nonlinear friction considered
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