Abstract: this paper discussed the application of FNAOC in the pulverized coal injection
system of the Rotary-Kiln. and presents a novel control method which can automatic control the flux of the coal powder of the pulverized coal injection system in the Rotary-Kiln according to the feedback signal given by the production line .The method can prevent the unbalance phenomenon between the supply and demand of the coal powder effectively, and improve the combustion ration and the quality of the production.
Keyword: fuzzy neural network pulverized coal injection Rotary-Kiln parameter adjustment
Abstract: this paper discussed the application of FNAOC in the pulverized coal injection
system of the Rotary-Kiln. and presents a novel control method which can automatic control the flux of the coal powder of the pulverized coal injection system in the Rotary-Kiln according to the feedback signal given by the production line .The method can prevent the unbalance phenomenon between the supply and demand of the coal powder effectively, and improve the combustion ration and the quality of the production.
Keyword: fuzzy neural network pulverized coal injection Rotary-Kiln parameter adjustment
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