Research and Application of the Alternating Polarity Method based on
Increment model JIANG XIAOPING(Beijing Campus, China University of Mining and Technology, BEIJING 100083) Abstract: In low voltage measurements, the resulting voltage will be very small and great care needs to be taken to reduce offset voltage and noise. A new Alternating Polarity method based on increment model is researched in this article. With this method, one measurement is divided into three steps, and the polarity of test current is alternated during measurement..A correlative method is treated with these test data for the
final reading. Both theory and practice indicate this method clearly offers significant advantages over other low voltage measurement techniques in overcoming error due to changing temperature.
Key words: Increment model, Alternating Polarity Method, Electromotive Force
Research and Application of the Alternating Polarity Method based on
Increment model JIANG XIAOPING(Beijing Campus, China University of Mining and Technology, BEIJING 100083) Abstract: In low voltage measurements, the resulting voltage will be very small and great care needs to be taken to reduce offset voltage and noise. A new Alternating Polarity method based on increment model is researched in this article. With this method, one measurement is divided into three steps, and the polarity of test current is alternated during measurement..A correlative method is treated with these test data for the
final reading. Both theory and practice indicate this method clearly offers significant advantages over other low voltage measurement techniques in overcoming error due to changing temperature.
Key words: Increment model, Alternating Polarity Method, Electromotive Force
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