基于電力線載波技術的輸液遠程監測系統是由單片機、紅外線檢測電路和步進電機組成的,并以SC1128 擴頻通信芯片為基礎,輔以外圍電路設計的,實現對輸液液位和輸液速度的實時監測及控制輸液速度。輸液監測系統中輸液的液位和速度通過紅外檢測得到實時的數據,經過調制電路耦合到電力線上傳送至接收端,數據經解調傳給上位機,由上位機發出控制指令使步進電機動作以實現對輸液速度的控制。該系統具有自動報警及同時監測多個輸液對象的功能。
Abstract: The remote monitoring system of infusion based on power line carrier technology made of microcontroller, infrared detection circuit and stepper motor control circuit, based on SC1128 spread-spectrum communications chip auxiliary by external circuit, The job of infusion monitoring system is monitoring the liquid level, infusion rate and control the rate of infusion. In this infusion monitoring system, real-time data of the liquid level and infusion rate can be detect by the infrared detection, and this real-time data will be coupled to the power
line and send to the receive, then the demodulate circuit transmitting the data to PC, stepper motor moves as so tocontrol the infusion rate by PC instructions. The system can monitoring the multiple infusion objects and has anautomatic alarm function.
Key words:Power line carrier; Infusion; Single-chip computer; Remote monitoring
Abstract: The remote monitoring system of infusion based on power line carrier technology made of microcontroller, infrared detection circuit and stepper motor control circuit, based on SC1128 spread-spectrum communications chip auxiliary by external circuit, The job of infusion monitoring system is monitoring the liquid level, infusion rate and control the rate of infusion. In this infusion monitoring system, real-time data of the liquid level and infusion rate can be detect by the infrared detection, and this real-time data will be coupled to the power
line and send to the receive, then the demodulate circuit transmitting the data to PC, stepper motor moves as so tocontrol the infusion rate by PC instructions. The system can monitoring the multiple infusion objects and has anautomatic alarm function.
Key words:Power line carrier; Infusion; Single-chip computer; Remote monitoring
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