[關鍵詞] 人耳檢測,自適應背景模型,背景差分,膚色模型
[Abstract] Ear detection is an important task in ear recognition and content-based
image and video retrieval. In this paper, we propose a method using background
subtraction and skin color model. First, we drew the movement goal and detected the
human body automatically in the sequence picture, then make a localization roughly and
produce the candidate area of ear via skin color model. Finally, we utilized the module of
ear detection to judge whether to contain the ears of people in the candidate area or not,
and obtained the information of their position, size, etc. Experimental results could
demonstrate its effectiveness.
[key word] ear detection, self-adaptive background update model, background subtraction,
skin clor model
[關鍵詞] 人耳檢測,自適應背景模型,背景差分,膚色模型
[Abstract] Ear detection is an important task in ear recognition and content-based
image and video retrieval. In this paper, we propose a method using background
subtraction and skin color model. First, we drew the movement goal and detected the
human body automatically in the sequence picture, then make a localization roughly and
produce the candidate area of ear via skin color model. Finally, we utilized the module of
ear detection to judge whether to contain the ears of people in the candidate area or not,
and obtained the information of their position, size, etc. Experimental results could
demonstrate its effectiveness.
[key word] ear detection, self-adaptive background update model, background subtraction,
skin clor model
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