Abstract: It is a difficult thing for the index evaluation of weapon systems operational effectiveness to make an objective and equivalent analysis of effectiveness for different Weapon systems. To resolve this problem with reason, a model named as Typical Targets-Fire Space Equivalent Method with Synthetic Modification of Degree of Grey Incidence is brought forward. A variable named as Typical Targets-Fire Equivalent Coefficient, which is based on some objective and measurable factors that symbolizes the damage nature of Typical Targets, is calculated to equivalently analyze the effectiveness for different weapon systems. This method gets rid of the way of weighting the importance of some key factors by experts in weapon systems effectiveness equivalent analysis , which has been used for a long period of time, and it largely increases the objectivity and creditability of the model. The result derived from this method is more reasonable than the result from other method. It lays the objective foundation for macroscopical and double-quick analysis on auxiliary decision-making in military operation.
Keywords: weapon system; operational effectiveness; index method; equivalent analysis; M&S
Abstract: It is a difficult thing for the index evaluation of weapon systems operational effectiveness to make an objective and equivalent analysis of effectiveness for different Weapon systems. To resolve this problem with reason, a model named as Typical Targets-Fire Space Equivalent Method with Synthetic Modification of Degree of Grey Incidence is brought forward. A variable named as Typical Targets-Fire Equivalent Coefficient, which is based on some objective and measurable factors that symbolizes the damage nature of Typical Targets, is calculated to equivalently analyze the effectiveness for different weapon systems. This method gets rid of the way of weighting the importance of some key factors by experts in weapon systems effectiveness equivalent analysis , which has been used for a long period of time, and it largely increases the objectivity and creditability of the model. The result derived from this method is more reasonable than the result from other method. It lays the objective foundation for macroscopical and double-quick analysis on auxiliary decision-making in military operation.
Keywords: weapon system; operational effectiveness; index method; equivalent analysis; M&S
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