介紹了基于多傳感器信息融合技術的聯合卡爾曼濾波器的一般設計方法,并將此方法運用于艦船INS/ GPS/ Loran2C 組合導航系統中。理論分析與仿真結果表明,該聯合卡爾曼濾波器的設計合理,算法具有全局最優性,能夠提高系統的導航精度和容錯能力。
關鍵詞:多傳感器; 數據融合;聯合卡爾曼濾波;艦船組合導航系統
Abstract :A general design method of federated Kalman filter based on multisensor information fu2 sion is int roduced in this paper and applied in the warship INS/ GPS/ Loran2C integrated naviga2 tion system. With the theory analysis and simulation result s , it comes to the conclusion that the design of the federated Kalman filter is successful , and the algorithm is excellent on the whole. Also , it can improve the navigation precision and fault - tolerance of the system.
Key words :multisensor ;information fusion ;federated Kalman filter ;warship integrated navigation system
關鍵詞:多傳感器; 數據融合;聯合卡爾曼濾波;艦船組合導航系統
Abstract :A general design method of federated Kalman filter based on multisensor information fu2 sion is int roduced in this paper and applied in the warship INS/ GPS/ Loran2C integrated naviga2 tion system. With the theory analysis and simulation result s , it comes to the conclusion that the design of the federated Kalman filter is successful , and the algorithm is excellent on the whole. Also , it can improve the navigation precision and fault - tolerance of the system.
Key words :multisensor ;information fusion ;federated Kalman filter ;warship integrated navigation system
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