介紹了大型軋鋼廠高速線材軋機齒輪箱在線遠程監測診斷網絡系統. 能區分齒輪箱中軸
承、齒輪、軸系三類零件各自的故障特征信號,同時研究沖擊振動信號在齒輪箱故障診斷中的特殊作用和意義。系統中應用計算機網絡, 采用遠程通信技術,應用WINNT 4.0SERVER/WINDOWS2000SERVER 系統構建RAS(遠程訪問服務)系統,支持遠程訪問,這為診斷專家共享提供了一個實用的工具,實現了現場設備大范圍的異地診斷技術.為現場設備的安全可靠運行提供了保障.
關鍵詞: 網絡; 數據采集; 遠程診斷.
Abstract: An online remote inspect and diagnosis internet system used in the high-speed wire
rolling mill gearbox of large-scale steel factory has been introduced in this article. This system can discern the characteristic signal of their respective malfunctions of these three parts: bearing, gear wheel and shafting in the gear case. Besides this, we have studied the special function and significance of impulse vibration signal in the gear case’s malfunction diagnose. Computer network and remote communication technology are used in the system. RAS (remote accessing service ) system is built by the WINNT4.0 SERVER/WINDOWS2000 SERVER to support the remote accessing. This provide a real and share tool for the diagnose expert and realize the large-scale strange land’s diagnose technology of equipments on the spot. At the same time, the RAS offers a guarantee for the security and credibility of equipments on the spot.
Keyword:network; data acquisition; remote diagnosis
承、齒輪、軸系三類零件各自的故障特征信號,同時研究沖擊振動信號在齒輪箱故障診斷中的特殊作用和意義。系統中應用計算機網絡, 采用遠程通信技術,應用WINNT 4.0SERVER/WINDOWS2000SERVER 系統構建RAS(遠程訪問服務)系統,支持遠程訪問,這為診斷專家共享提供了一個實用的工具,實現了現場設備大范圍的異地診斷技術.為現場設備的安全可靠運行提供了保障.
關鍵詞: 網絡; 數據采集; 遠程診斷.
Abstract: An online remote inspect and diagnosis internet system used in the high-speed wire
rolling mill gearbox of large-scale steel factory has been introduced in this article. This system can discern the characteristic signal of their respective malfunctions of these three parts: bearing, gear wheel and shafting in the gear case. Besides this, we have studied the special function and significance of impulse vibration signal in the gear case’s malfunction diagnose. Computer network and remote communication technology are used in the system. RAS (remote accessing service ) system is built by the WINNT4.0 SERVER/WINDOWS2000 SERVER to support the remote accessing. This provide a real and share tool for the diagnose expert and realize the large-scale strange land’s diagnose technology of equipments on the spot. At the same time, the RAS offers a guarantee for the security and credibility of equipments on the spot.
Keyword:network; data acquisition; remote diagnosis
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