采用AT89C51 單片機作為控制器,利用超聲測距的原理,設計了一種超聲波導盲裝置。
關鍵詞: 超聲波 ;單片機 ;導盲
Abstract: This article recommends a device of ultrasonic wave guide which is designed
to adopt AT89C51 single-chip microprocessor computer as controller and apply the
principle of ultrasonic distance measuring. The device can detect the distance between
the blind and an obstruction in the road ahead and convert the message to a sound
reminder .According to frequency variation of the reminding sound, it will enable the
blind to judge whether there is an obstruction and the distance from the obstruction
then accomplish the purpose of guiding the blind.
Key words: Ultrasonic wave ;Single-chip microprocessor ; Guiding the blind
關鍵詞: 超聲波 ;單片機 ;導盲
Abstract: This article recommends a device of ultrasonic wave guide which is designed
to adopt AT89C51 single-chip microprocessor computer as controller and apply the
principle of ultrasonic distance measuring. The device can detect the distance between
the blind and an obstruction in the road ahead and convert the message to a sound
reminder .According to frequency variation of the reminding sound, it will enable the
blind to judge whether there is an obstruction and the distance from the obstruction
then accomplish the purpose of guiding the blind.
Key words: Ultrasonic wave ;Single-chip microprocessor ; Guiding the blind
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