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電子發燒友網>通信網絡>通信設計應用>Digitally Controlled Sine-Wave

Digitally Controlled Sine-Wave


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,支持哪一種低壓吊扇?A:家用小功率、風大平穩、低噪輕音●AC 220V電源電壓,功率范圍50W以下,馬達電壓DC 24V●獨特專利減震降噪技術: - MDSF40使用弦波(Sine-Wave)控制
2023-08-07 11:34:52


2012-05-15 13:42:58


AB-A3AI9F-FREQ - SINE-WAVE UHF VCXO - Nel Frequency Controls,inc
2022-11-04 17:22:44

ADAU1701如何將sine tone分頻?

目前有一個FM立體聲調制的項目,打算將38khz 的sine Tone 分頻為19khzz作為導頻,請問1701是否可以實現呢?
2023-11-28 08:20:38


B82614 - Chokes for Power Lines Sine-Wave Chokes - EPCOS
2022-11-04 17:22:44

Calibration Circuit Idea Pictorial

delivery.Digitally controlled calibration devices and potentiometers (pots) are replacing mechanical pots in many
2011-06-13 00:15:17


, 3.3V輸出正弦波import math from pyb import DAC # create a buffer containing a sine-wave buf = bytearray
2018-05-23 09:25:49


描述This design implements a non-isolated DC/DCbuck converter that is digitally controlled using a
2018-11-09 14:56:12


is the output amplitude.I set it to sine wave, 100mVpp, at 1kHz. I use 50 ohms coax cable and the oscilloscope
2019-05-31 11:18:37


pulses of the sine wave. Its at 1/128step mode. Attached is a picture of the problem. Anyone know what settings need to be changed.#l6480-sine-wave-noise
2018-12-06 16:18:50

LTspice中 Voltage Controlled Switches的使用方法 精選資料分享

LTspice中 Voltage Controlled Switches的使用方法
2021-07-09 06:20:15


firmware inside the N5182A is version A.01.70.We are investigating an issue regarding the Sine-wave
2019-07-11 13:57:50


在21479的工程中使用了SigmaStudio 3.9 的sawtooth wavesine tone和 triangle wave,發現這些波形的值最大值并不是1,而是超出去到1.0幾了,正確的做法范圍應該是從-1到+1才對吧?還有現在其MIN MAX到底是多少呢?謝謝!
2018-10-30 09:48:56


Xilinx FPGA提供了DCI(Digitally Controlled Impedance)技術,包括兩個功能:(1).控制驅動器的輸出阻抗;(2).為驅動器或發送器添加一個并行端接,在傳輸線上得到精確的特征阻抗匹配,以提高信號完整性。
2019-05-27 07:22:12


2012-11-19 13:49:07


'sine_wave/siganalProbe':S-function 'SignalProbe' does not exist.其中,sine_wine是VI的名字。可是我在simulink中明明是加了SignalProbe這個模塊的,請問各位大俠這是怎么回事。
2013-07-05 21:53:37


sine wave into an analog input to a low pass filter inside the PSoC?Since the PSoC is running
2019-04-29 07:25:18


我遵循了關于如何使用 DAC 和 DMA 生成 SINE 波的教程,這非常好。從邏輯上講這是有道理的,您設置 DAC,將其設置為由定時器觸發,然后設置 DMA 通道,將其設置為循環,并將其設置為
2022-12-22 07:26:15


2011-10-13 08:31:06

移動WiMAX 802.16 Wave2的特性

Wave1,WiMAXForum?標準比較,Wave2 Radio Conformance Test標準在移動WiMAX?的系統特性上有些新的規格,因此需要一些新的測試能力。而測試Wave 2
2019-07-16 07:36:10


描述This simple and low-cost digitally programmable gain amplifier design creates non-inverting gains
2018-08-29 09:21:39

請問AD9513 CLK可以直接輸入VCTCXO的output sine wave嗎?

請問AD9513 這顆PLL的input CLK spec他可以直接輸入VCTCXO的output sine wave 或 clipped sine wave 嗎?如果可以的話, swing Vp-p 只要大於 150mV 即可嗎?
2018-10-17 15:27:28

請問AD9789 BIST怎么產生sine wave

專家您好,請問, AD9789 可以透過設定哪個register and value,使其輸出sine wave? Thanks a lot.
2018-12-12 09:16:56

請問AD9789可以透過設定哪個register and value使其輸出sine wave?

請問, AD9789 可以透過設定哪個register and value,使其輸出sine wave? 非常感謝。
2023-11-24 08:29:08


求助大神專家!!我在用開發板Digitally Controlled Solar Micro Inverter Design using C2000 Piccolo Microcontroller
2020-07-24 16:39:20


Hi, 請問為什么把一個5ppm 50MHz TCXO產生的clipped-sine wave 時鐘源信號送入一個輸出信號模式為LVCMOS的時鐘buffer 后再把buffer輸出的信號送入VCO
2018-08-22 09:35:21

請問哪里能查找到IQMathTables 中Sine/Consine Table 的具體數值?

現在用到IQMath,查看F28M35的手冊中,只是提到 Sine / Consine Tablesingle floating point-Table size:1282
2020-05-11 09:54:29

請問怎么才能獲得20 KHZ正弦波?

Khz sine wave and cosine wave??? i have gone through the user guide of Spartan 3 E as DAC supports
2019-07-04 07:28:26

ad736 pdf

to provide a maximumerror of ±0.3 mV ±0.3% of reading with sine-wave inputs. Fur-thermore, it maintains high accuracy while measurin
2008-04-14 18:16:02113


to provide a maximum error of±0.2 mV ±0.3% of reading with sine-wave inputs. Furthermore,it maintains high accuracy while measuring
2008-04-14 18:17:5036

Modeling voltage-controlled an

Modeling voltage-controlled and temperature-dependent resistorsAnalog Behavioral Modeling (ABM) can
2008-05-12 22:27:550

AD8369 pdf datasheet

The AD8369 is a high performance, digitally controlled variable gain amplifier, designed to be used
2008-08-14 09:54:2440

ISL95811 pdf datasheet (Single

Single Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (XDCP?  The ISL95811 integrates a digitally
2008-09-21 22:02:429

ISL95310 pdf datasheet Termina

The Intersil ISL95310 is a digitally controlled potentiometer(XDCP). The device consists
2009-01-10 08:55:4211

ISL95311 pdf datasheet (Digita

The Intersil ISL95311 is a digitally controlled potentiometer(XDCP). The device consists
2009-01-10 09:34:1326

ISL95810 pdf datasheet (Single

The ISL95810 integrates a digitally controlled potentiometer(XDCP) on a monolithic CMOS integrated
2009-01-10 09:36:5311

ISL90840 pdf datasheet (Quad D

integratedcircuit.The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented witha combination of resistor elements and CMOS switches.
2009-01-10 09:37:358

ISL90842 pdf datasheet (Quad D

controlledpotentiometers (DCP) configured as variable resistors on amonolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer
2009-01-10 09:47:5311

ISL90841 pdf datasheet (Quad D

controlledpotentiometers (XDCP) on a monolithic CMOS integratedcircuit.The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented witha comb
2009-01-10 09:54:259

ISL90843 pdf datasheet (Quad D

controlledpotentiometers (XDCP) on a monolithic CMOS integratedcircuit.The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented witha
2009-01-10 09:56:4219

ISL95811 pdf datasheet (I2C Bu

The ISL95811 integrates a digitally controlled potentiometer(XDCP) and non-volatile memory
2009-01-18 22:34:4611

MAX2027 pdf datasheet (digital

The MAX2027 high-performance, digitally controlled variable-gain amplifier is designed for use from
2009-02-16 16:42:4421

ISL22424 pdf datasheet (Low No

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented witha combination of
2009-03-05 10:26:2827

ISL22444 pdf datasheet (Low No

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometers are implemented witha combination o
2009-03-05 10:27:2214

ISL22313 pdf datasheet (Low No

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with acombination
2009-03-05 17:12:2817

ISL22323 pdf datasheet (I2C Bu

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with acombination of r
2009-03-05 17:13:1423

ISL22343 pdf datasheet (I2C Bu

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with acombination of
2009-03-05 17:13:5933

ISL22414 pdf datasheet (SPI Bu

and non-volatile memoryon a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with acombination
2009-03-05 17:15:1556


The outputs are a square,triangular and sine wave. The sine wave-generating circuit and thesquare and triangular circuits are ind
2009-06-05 16:11:4521


MODIFIED SINE WAVE INVERTERS: • 具備輸入極性反接、機內過熱、輸入過欠壓、輸出過壓等保護功能。• 國標、美式、歐式、德式等交流輸出插座可選。• 嵌入式智
2009-06-19 19:48:5516

AP2010,pdf,datasheet (Sine-wav

The AP2010 series integrates Sine-wave generatorcontrol circuit into a single chip, mainly designed
2009-10-19 15:13:2617

MAX1660,pdf (digitally control

The MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface executes two essential functions
2010-09-06 12:26:0412

PGA2500,pdf(Digitally Controll

The PGA2500 is a digitally controlled, analog microphone preamplifier designed for use as a front
2010-09-11 19:56:0918

PGA202,pdf(Digitally Controlled Programmable-Gain Instrument

The PGA202 is a monolithic instrumentation ampli- fier with digitally controlled gains of 1, 10
2010-09-27 20:08:4059

PGA203,pdf(Digitally Controlle

The PGA202 is a monolithic instrumentation ampli-fier with digitally controlled gains of 1, 10, 100
2010-09-27 20:13:0617

TPS61045,pdf(Digitally Adjusta

The TPS61045 is a high frequency boost converter with digitally programmable output voltage
2010-10-01 23:51:4514

UCD9244,pdf(Digitally Managed

The UCD8220 analog pulse-width modulator device is used in digitally managed power supplies using
2010-11-10 16:34:0826

Sine Wave Generator Is Crystal

stable, frequency-accurate sine-wave sources. Many such sine-wave oscillators are available, but finding one with a satisfactory level of absolu
2009-04-20 15:31:031528

數字控制移相-Digitally Control Phase

such as resistors and capacitors, and an operational amplifier to build a digitally controlled phase-shift circuit. Although written specifically fo
2009-04-25 10:39:521017

數字控制正弦波發生器-Digitally Controlle

The circuit of Figure 1 produces an accurate variable-frequency sine wave for use
2009-04-26 15:37:04735

數字控制移相-Digitally Control Phase

such as resistors and capacitors, and an operational amplifier to build a digitally controlled phase-shift circuit. Although written specifically fo
2009-04-28 10:30:52633

2-Wire Controlled Digital DIP

Abstract: The DS3904 contains three digitally controlled nonvolatile (NV) variable resistors.
2009-04-28 11:46:50991

數字可調電壓基準源-Digitally Adjustable

A digitally adjustable voltage reference is useful in many applications. For instance, it can
2009-04-28 13:52:541992

正弦波振蕩器:Sine Wave Oscillator

正弦波振蕩器:Sine Wave Oscillator An amplitude-stabilized sine-wave oscillator is shown in Figure 26. This circuit provides high pu
2009-05-16 16:34:242396

三角波發生器:Triangle-Wave Generator

三角波發生器:Triangle-Wave Generator A constant amplitude triangular-wave generator is shown in Figure 27. This circuit provides a
2009-05-16 16:36:157793

文橋正弦波震蕩電路 (Wien-bridge Sine-wa

Wien-bridge Sine-wave Oscillator文橋正弦波震蕩電路:
2009-10-22 09:54:221745

Crystal controlled 147.460 MHz

Crystal controlled 147.460 MHz FM transmitter The XFM1 transmitter is a crystal controlled tone
2009-12-22 10:11:491446


溫控風扇電路--Temperature-controlled Fan Gradually increases speed as temperature increasesWidely adjustable temperature range
2010-01-17 09:26:242498


2012-03-08 09:36:102914

Bada強機白色版Wave 3亮相

三星公司在上月正式宣布發售Bada平臺新機Wave 3,不過遺憾的是,這款Bada平臺的旗艦只有一個黑色款選擇。為了滿足眾多女性用戶需要,日前三星公司又推出了白色版的Wave 3。據了解,穿
2012-03-20 10:02:01513

1kW sine wave inverter

The mosfets are also formed in the push pull format which effectively shuffles the entire 60 volts across the transformer windings 50 times per second
2015-12-25 10:40:139


Voltage Controlled Oscillator電路設計
2016-01-12 11:14:590


2016-05-24 13:53:594


the image component on the normalized sine-wave frequency estimates returned by the Energy-Based Method (EBM) is derived.
2016-09-22 16:52:300


the position of the rotor. The DRV10970 uses this feedback from Hall signals for a 180° sine-wave
2016-11-14 14:23:550


The AD2S99 programmable sinusoidal oscillator provides sine wave excitation for resolvers and a wide variety of ac transducers.
2017-09-29 14:16:545


The AD5232 device provides a nonvolatile, dual-channel, digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) with 256-position resolution.
2017-10-12 10:42:5411


The AD5241/AD5242 provide a single-/dual-channel, 256- position, digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) device.
2017-10-12 10:53:4516


The AD5251/AD5252 are dual-channel, I2 C?, nonvolatile memory, digitally controlled potentiometers with 64/256 positions, respectively.
2017-10-12 11:17:026


2018-06-04 09:11:003261

基于TQC9307下的0.7 – 4.0GHz Digital Variable Gain Amplifier

The TQC9307 is a digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) with a broadband frequency range of 0.7 to 4.0 GHz.
2018-08-03 11:29:003

基于TQC9305 下的0.7-3.6 GHz Digital Variable Gain Amplifier

The TQC9305 is a digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) with a broadband frequency range of 700 to 3600 MHz.
2018-08-06 11:29:006

基于TQM8M9077下的0.05?–?4?GHz Digital Variable Gain Amplifier

The TQM8M9077 is a digitally controlled variable gain amplifier (DVGA) with a broadband frequency range of 50 to 4000 MHz.
2018-08-03 11:29:000

RC正弦波振蕩器的實用制作方法,Sine-wave oscillator

RC正弦波振蕩器的實用制作方法,Sine-wave oscillator 關鍵字:正弦波振蕩電路圖 一、振蕩器組成    振蕩電路主要
2018-09-20 18:26:403001

無源正弦波-方波轉換器,Sine wave - square-wave converter

無源正弦波-方波轉換器,Sine wave - square-wave converter 關鍵字:無源正弦波-方波轉換器 無源正弦波
2018-09-20 19:20:441741

正弦波振蕩器的設計與制作,Sine Wave Oscillator Design

正弦波振蕩器的設計與制作,Sine Wave Oscillator Design 關鍵字:正弦波振蕩器的設計與制作 正弦波振蕩器
2018-09-20 19:21:411296


本文介紹了無線網狀組網的一些基礎知識,特別是 Z-Wave。隨后,本文以 Silicon Labs 的 700 系列 Z-Wave 兼容微控制器芯片系列及相關開發工具作為實例,展示如何快速構建經認證的可用 Z-Wave 網絡并應用于新型消費類設備。
2019-06-29 09:52:274663

Z-Wave遠程協議是什么 與現有標準有何不同

? ? ? ? ?Z-Wave聯盟(Z-Wave Alliance)在2020年9月發布了新的Z-Wave遠程協議(Z-Wave Long Range, Z-Wave LR)規范。經過短短三個月
2021-01-08 17:13:002263

LTC6990: Voltage Controlled Silicon Oscillator

LTC6990: Voltage Controlled Silicon Oscillator
2021-02-04 08:04:023

ZigBee 與 Z-Wave:有何區別?

ZigBee 與 Z-Wave:有何區別?
2023-01-03 09:45:031127


KOAN晶振中的輸出波形普遍分為方波Square Wave和正弦波Sine Wave兩類。其中方波有非差分和差分輸出的選擇;正弦波有準正弦波和削峰正弦波的選擇。
2023-04-17 16:20:121718

如何制作Wave Motion

電子發燒友網站提供《如何制作Wave Motion.zip》資料免費下載
2023-07-10 09:53:580


晶振中的輸出波形普遍分為方波Square Wave和正弦波Sine Wave兩類。
2023-08-18 17:28:061828

SG-9101CA 晶體振蕩器可編程

(Hershey-kiss, Sine-wave, Triangle):4調制頻率,6個擴散外部尺寸:7.0 x 5.0 [mm]利用PLL技術實現短批量生產時間。可用字段振
2024-01-23 10:42:090

SG-9101CG 系列 (晶體振蕩器 可編程 )

2024-01-24 11:41:240


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